Memoria is the penultimate dungeon in Final Fantasy IX. Memoria was conjured from the planet's memories. Garland guides Zidane through it and will explain the memories the party walks through. Memoria eventually takes the party to the Crystal World.

In another place, at another time, in a particularly good RPG, Memoria was defined as the above. It was a place that we visited, battled, and through our character reminisced. The aim for this blog is to evoke that very same spirit.

Memoria is a blog, which its author intends to imbue with his memories, feelings, and perspectives. I intend to walk readers through this place, to explain the topics that we visit, and eventually together we will reach enlightenment in the Crystal World.

Or...perhaps not, but it is my fervent hope that readers will learn more about topics, or other perspectives than their own, through this blog. The topics will be varied, from gaming, to politics, to web development - I intend to write about whatever is on my mind at any particular time, and I intend to update when I have something to say, rather than because it's been a week with no post. It is my hope that this will promote thought and debate around these topics, and I hope to learn as much from that process as any readers.

Welcome to Memoria - I hope you enjoy your stay.

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